April 2011, Gaziantep – Saint Bedros church was hided behind the factory walls for many years. After it’s discovered, it is transformed into a performance hall for the Ömer Ersoy culture center.
April 2011, Gaziantep – Try this angle as well.. Kurtuluş mousque is an hybrid architectural example having different stories from diferent periods of history.
December 2013, Philippines
December 2013, Philippines
December 2013, Philippines
April 2011, Gaziantep – At first glance, It looks like front side of the St. Mary Church. But, first just try to walk around a bit.
April 2011, Gaziantep – From this angle, It suddenly becomes a mousque. Kurtuluş mousque was St. Marry Church once upon a time. Building even become a prison house in the history.
April 2011, Gaziantep – Currently, basement of the old church is restaurant and upper part is being operated for student consultancy and guidence.