December 2013, Philippines
December 2013, Philippines
April 2011, Gaziantep – Currently, basement of the old church is restaurant and upper part is being operated for student consultancy and guidence.
April 2011, Gaziantep – Try this angle as well.. Kurtuluş mousque is an hybrid architectural example having different stories from diferent periods of history.
April 2011, Gaziantep – At first glance, It looks like front side of the St. Mary Church. But, first just try to walk around a bit.
April 2011, Gaziantep – Saint Bedros church was hided behind the factory walls for many years. After it’s discovered, it is transformed into a performance hall for the Ömer Ersoy culture center.
December 2013, Philippines
April 2011, Gaziantep – From this angle, It suddenly becomes a mousque. Kurtuluş mousque was St. Marry Church once upon a time. Building even become a prison house in the history.